Booth No.: W2.525

Vision Systems Design China (VSDC) is the Chinese version of the leading machine vision and image processing magazine Vision Systems Design (VSD) .VSDC serves the information needs of engineers and design experts in the field by providing state-of-the-art development of partly be carefully selected and translated from VSD, and supplemented by contents generated locally through industy submissions and news, new products as well as executive interviews...

Product Groups:

1.1.2 Digital radio communications systems

Target Groups:

Logistics and TransportationAutomotive & PartsElectric Appliance

Logistical Economic Areas



Vision Systems Design China

《视觉系统设计》是美国领先媒体品牌Vision Systems Design中文版,以双月刊出版发行,内容除了采撷VSD中的精华外,还加入了国内行业新闻报道、技术进展与应用案例,及对本地行业高管的采访等内容。每期杂志印刷版免费发送到12000名读者手中;电子版及相关电子快讯发送给23000名读者。



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transport logistic China 2024  ended successfully!

transport logistic China 2024 ended successfully!

transport logistic China 2024 was successfully held from June 25 to 27 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, marking a significant return after a six-year break with a new record of all exhibition figures. Covering an expansive 50,000-square-meter exhibition space, this year’s trade fair attracted 794 exhibitors from 42 countries and regions, and welcomed more than 36,000 trade visitors from 92 countries and regions worldwid.

transport logistic China 2024  ended successfully!

transport logistic China 2024 ended successfully!

transport logistic China 2024 was successfully held from June 25 to 27 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, marking a significant return after a six-year break with a new record of all exhibition figures. Covering an expansive 50,000-square-meter exhibition space, this year’s trade fair attracted 794 exhibitors from 42 countries and regions, and welcomed more than 36,000 trade visitors from 92 countries and regions worldwid.

transport logistic China 2024 ended successfully!

transport logistic China 2024 was successfully held from June 25 to 27 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, marking a significant return after a six-year break with a new record of all exhibition figures. Covering an expansive 50,000-square-meter exhibition space, this year’s trade fair attracted 794 exhibitors from 42 countries and regions, and welcomed more than 36,000 trade visitors from 92 countries and regions worldwid.

transport logistic China

Looking forward to transport logistic China 2026!

transport logistic China will be held during June 24-26, 2026 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre! As Asia’s largest and most exciting fair, you can catch up on the latest developments, exchange knowledge, and efficiently network with your target customers and logistics experts from all over the world.

transport logistic China

Looking forward to transport logistic China 2026!

transport logistic China will be held during June 24-26, 2026 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre! As Asia’s largest and most exciting fair, you can catch up on the latest developments, exchange knowledge, and efficiently network with your target customers and logistics experts from all over the world.

Looking forward to transport logistic China 2026!

transport logistic China will be held during June 24-26, 2026 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre! As Asia’s largest and most exciting fair, you can catch up on the latest developments, exchange knowledge, and efficiently network with your target customers and logistics experts from all over the world.

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