perilog- fresh logistic Asia

fresh logistics Asia has always been in a leading position in the “fresh” industry. In 2026, the eleventh edition of the exhibition will take a new positioning and be fully upgraded to cover the entire fresh supply chain industry.
Logistics Makes Life Fresh
Show time: June 24-26, 2026
Show venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre
Organizers: Messe München
Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.
periLog (perishable logistics) is an exhibition that focuses on the transport and storage of perishable goods as well as cool chain logistics. We focused on logistics solutions for fresh food, thus providing answers to the biggest logistical challenges.
With the idea of “Logistics Makes Life Fresh”, fresh logistics Asia aims to offer an integrated platform for exploring logistics solutions of the fresh foods industry and exchanging ideas about smart delivery, whole-journey temperature control, warehousing and refrigeration, fresh food processing and packaging, and new retailing supply chain management.
Eight Exhibition Sectors
- Cold logistics services and equipment
- Fresh delivery services and equipment
- Fresh logistics information technology and equipment
- Cold storage construction & warehousing service and equipment
- Fresh food processing and packaging technologies and equipment
- Smart retail technologies and equipment for fresh food
- Convenience food technologies and equipment
- Integrated refrigeration technologies and equipment
10 Target visitors
- Fresh product manufacturer (fruit and vegetable, aquaculture, meat, egg, milk, cooked food, flower, etc)
- Fresh product wholesaler, trader, dealer, importer and exporter
- Chain store
- Offline franchisee and retail
- Fresh e-commerce
- Restaurant and hotel
- Biological medicine
- Logistics service provider
- Convenience food factory
- CBD, school, public institution